Preserving the Environment

The Energy Efficient Opportunities Act 2006 (EEO) and the National Greenhouse Energy Reporting Act 2007 (NGER)

With the need to manage the impact of climate change, programs aimed at maximising energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions have been established at both federal and state levels of government.

The Energy Efficient Opportunities Act 2006 (EEO) and the National Greenhouse Energy Reporting Act 2007 (NGER) are two such government initiatives. Rex registered for the EEO programme on 11 Nov 2007 and have since embarked on various initiatives to reduce energy consumption, in turn reducing emissions. Rex registered for the NGER program on 25 Feb 2009 and submitted its 13th NGER report to the Clean Energy Regulator in October 2022.

The first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth public report on the initiatives undertaken by Rex in response to the Energy efficient opportunities program is available below.

First Public Report   Download pdf (146Kb)
Second Public Report   Download pdf (345kb)
Third Public Report   Download pdf (308kb)
Fourth Public Report   Download pdf (212kb)
Fifth Public Report   Download pdf (117kb)
Sixth Public Report   Download pdf (78kb)