About Rex

Rex arose from the ashes of the collapse of the Ansett Group when two of its regional airlines , Hazelton and Kendell Airlines, were rescued to form Rex in August 2002. By 2020 when the Covid pandemic decimated the global airline industry, Rex was already the largest regional airline in Australia with over 60 destinations. Even though badly affected by the pandemic, Rex took the bold step to commence domestic jet operations, starting with services in the golden triangle of Sydney-Melbourne-Brisbane, in March 2021.
Click here to view Rex Overview.
Click here to view history of Hazelton.
Click here to view history of Kendell.
Click here to view history of Regional Express.
Click here to view Rex's 10th Anniversary.
The Management Committee is the most senior level of management in the Rex Group. The Rex Board is helmed by its Non-executive Chairman.
Click here to view Organisation Structure.
Click here to view Board of Directors.
Click here to view Senior Management.
The Rex Group consists of regional and domestic airline Rex, the Australian Airline Pilot Academy located in Wagga Wagga, NSW and Ballarat, VIC and Pel-Air which specialises in freight, charter and aeromedical works… Read more
The Rex fleet comprises more than 100 aircraft, including the world’s largest fleet of twin-engine turboprop Saab 340 aircraft… Read more
What does it profit a Company if it gains the whole world and loses its own soul? This Statement defines the core values of the Group that guides all its decisions and actions Read more
In this section, you can view the Group's major policies: Safety Policy, Diversity Policy, Corporate Governance Policy, Privacy Policy and various Group Charters.
Click here to view Privacy Policy.
Click here to view Group Safety Policy.
Click here to view Diversity Policy.
Click here to view Corporate Governance.
The Rex Customer Charter spells out our service commitment to our passengers predicated on our core offerings of safety, reliability and affordability... Read more